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Snakes and Ladders

Actualizado: 2 sept 2021

Have you ever played ‘Snakes and Ladders’? It consists of a numbered board where you had to cross it with your piece until you reached the finish mark, however, part of the game included obstacles and boosters, Snakes, which hindered your advance and Ladders which aided you to reach the goal faster. I used to play this game a long time ago and I remember I used to be upset every time I fell into a Snake Square since it sent me backwards just where the tail of the snake ended. On the contrary, when I fell into a Ladder Square I was happy since it aided me reach my goal faster. It turns out that sometimes the relationships we have with our friends are very similar to this, if we inadvertently fall into a snake we will move backwards and if we discern correctly we can encounter a ladder which will thrust us forward and help us reach our goal.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 New Living Translation (NLT)

9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

Frequently life give us lessons, which we can overcome once we learn the lesson. However, sometimes we have trials and processes which we could either endure alone or with someone else, but it is during these times that we find true companionship and friendship in Jesus Christ. In the previous Bible verse, we can induce that strength lies in unity, nonetheless, success is only obtained when both people are working together. And not only the success of one person is achieved but of both people involved.

Moreover, we can see how the Body of Christ strengthens when united, since due to unity, the power of the Holy Spirit is manifested. Still, we need to be careful who we choose as friends since just like we have people that help us reach success, we also need to beware of the weeds that grow with the seed.

Proverbs 18:24 New Living Translation (NLT)

24 There are “friends” who destroy each other,

but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.

That is to say, just like the game of ‘Snakes and Ladders’, we have friends(ladders) which help us triumph, we could erroneously or without intending to, have ‘friends’(snakes) whose only aim is to see our downfall or for us to go back to gruesome habits. Consequently due to this, we need to ask God to grant us discernment for us to know with which people we can relate and with which ones we should not, for we would not want our relationship with God be tainted by the bad influence we can receive of others.

In spite of that, God has granted us true friends so we can help each other reach the goals in our lives. Since many times, our friends are the ones that push us to be better, the ones that give us constructive criticism, support us in times of anguish, motivate us when we are down, exhort us when necessary, and frequently, even protect us when perhaps there is something we may have neglected could have harmed us or deviated us from our purpose and calling in life.

Proverbs 27:17 New Living Translation (NLT)

17 As iron sharpens iron,

so a friend sharpens a friend.

Finally, we need to remember that there is a specific purpose for which God created us and that: ‘He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.’(Ephesians 4:16, NLT). God created each one of us with the specific purpose to edify His church and as part of the church we need to work in harmony in order to grow and help each other reach our objectives. We just need to beware of the snares of the snakes and seek for the ladders instead and consequently, reach success together.

And if you have not accepted our Lord Jesus in your heart, or you want to reconcile your relationship with Him, I urge you to do it today and pray the following prayer out loud:

Lord Jesus, I ask you for forgiveness of my sins, for my sins separate me from you. I recognize you as my only, sufficient and truthful Saviour. I break every covenant with the world, with the flesh and with the enemy. I give you thanks for the sacrifice in the cross. I know if I were to die today, I will be in your arms. Amen.’

If you prayed this prayer today, write to me at, I would love to hear from you. And if this edified you, please share it with someone else. We are a family in Christ and we are here to help each other out. May God bless you!

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